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Logging the code of steps#

You can log the code and the parameters of the executed steps by turning on the codelog feature. In the example below, we execute and log the code, location, and runtime parameters of the step function factory init_fields.

Logging the code of steps

from mltraq import create_experiment, options
from mltraq.steps.init_fields import init_fields

with options().ctx({"codelog.disable": False}):
    e = create_experiment().execute(init_fields(a=1))

for idx, codelog in enumerate(e.runs.first().fields.codelog):
        f"Step {idx}: {codelog.pathname}:{codelog.pathname_lineno} "
        f"@ {}(*{codelog.args}, **{codelog.kwargs})"
Step 0: ../../../../src/mltraq/steps/ @ step_chdir(*[], **{'path': '/Users/michele/dev/mltraq/mkdocs/blog/posts/004'})

def step_chdir(run: Run, path: Optional[str] = None):
    Change current directory to `path`.

    if path:


Step 1: ../../../../src/mltraq/steps/ @ step_init_fields(*[], **{'a': 1})

def step_init_fields(run: Run, **fields):
    Initialize fields in the run.

    if fields is None:
        fields = {}

    for name, value in fields.items():
        run.fields[name] = value


Why are two steps being logged, and not just one?

The MLtraq executor implicitly calls the function step_chdir at step #0 if the joblib backend is loky, to ensure that the steps running in the pool worker processes have their current directory aligned with the primary process. This behavior is managed by the option "execution.loky_chdir".

The pool of worker processes is reused if multiple executions are triggered closely in time to increase efficiency (creating new processes is an expensive task for the operating system), but this means that they leak, and have the memory of, previously executed jobs.

Besides being a security issue, this can also break your experiments if you use chdir in your steps. The implicit step #0 resolves this issue.